Omar is an early-stage-researcher at University College Cork since November 2020. He is dedicating his PhD around working on coupling floating offshore wind energy with green hydrogen production and storage. He is co-supervised by Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult in Scotland. The goal is to have recommendations of parameters for optimum operation of hydrogen production systems, as well as coming out with a design of a hydrogen system suitable for semi-submersible floating wind platforms or floating substations, with a full techno-economic analysis for the proposed system, as well as integrating the policymaking vector for the technology implementation and studying its effects.

Prior to joining UCC, Omar has been a DAAD scholar and obtained an M.Sc. in Energy Engineering from the Technische Universitat Berlin in June 2020; with a focus on energy conversion and renewable energies. He wrote his master’s thesis in the dynamic modelling of Power-Biomass to Liquid Fuels area at the German Aerospace Center (DLR), Institute of Engineering Thermodynamics in Stuttgart. During his master’s studies, Omar has also been part of the German TSO 50 Hertz Transmission GmbH in Berlin, in the Mid-Term Operational Planning, Concepts & Systems Strategy (MSK-P) department, where he gained experience in systems operation, load-flow calculations, and power plants redispatch planning.

On the personal side, he is active in the environmental activities, youth exchange programs, enjoys hiking, reading novels, and (house) music.


  • M.Sc. in Energy Engineering, 2020

    Technische Universität Berlin
