Training | STEP4WIND


Organisation of our PhD summer school

This event was organised for a week-long (Mon- Fri) made up of a mixture of presentations, workshops and fun team-bonding activities. In addition to the topics of entrepreneurship and presentation skills, a visit was organized to the UCC test facilities (including a tour of the Lir National Ocean Test Facility, UCC)

Ambassador for OffshoreWind4Kids

The small-scale (floating) wind turbines of OffshoreWind4Kids have arrived at TU Delft and will be used in many dissemination activities in the coming months. Stay tuned!

Support for the day of sustainability

The team members participated in the ECFD4 [workshop](

STEP4WIND Autumn school

For the first time since the start of the project, all our ESRs met in person at the Autumn School organised by Politecnico di Milano.

Participation in an International Autumn School

ESR 3 Deepali Singh, and ESR 10 Omar Ibrahim had the opportunity to participate in-person for the first time in the International Autumn School hosted at TU Bergakademie Freiberg in Germany.

Participation in the ECFD4 workshop

The team members participated in the ECFD4 [workshop](